Monday, April 26, 2010

U.S.A. squad to set training in Princeton University

The U.S National Soccer team will concentrate and camp in Princeton University before leaving for the world cup. The U.S. manager Bob Bradly will have the team report in May 15 for an eight-day camp between the 17th and 23rd of the same month. While in the U.S.A. the national team will face on a friendly game against the Czech Republic on the 25th and Turkey in the 29 on May. After playing Turkey the U.S. Will head toward South Africa to face Australia in another friendly game in June 5th and then wait till their World Cup debut against the the almighty powerful squad of England in June 12th.

Their last game was against the solid team of the Netherlands on a 2-1 loss in The Amsterdam Arena. The U.S. were contained by the Netherlands throughout the whole game. The last 10 minutes the U.S. fought back and was rewarded with a goal thanks to a header from Bocanegra. The team looked loose and not the same as the one that reached the finals in the Confederation's Cup last year in South Africa. The U.S. Squad needs to work in their offensive players. Donovan can't do it all alone. The Team is praying that Charlie Davies recover 100% from his car accident months ago. Brian Ching has lower his playing level. We hope that Jozy Altidore increases his game level.

The U.S. hopes to do better in this 2010 world cup. In the 2006 world cup edition the USA did poorly. They didn't win any games in the preliminary round and therefore knockout from the tournament. Having the so called "Group of Death" with Italy, Czech Republic, and Ghana the U.S. had a minimum chance of going on to the second round. Now that's left in the past and now the U.S. hopes to do an outstanding job as done in last years Confederation's Cup. This will be Bob Bradly's time to show what he's capable of doing with the U.S. squad.

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